
Czech Semiconductor Sector Attracts Taiwanese Partners: TTC and Mycroft Mind Sign Memorandums of Co-operation

The semiconductor industry has been experiencing dynamic growth in the Czech Republic and has resulted in the attraction of interest by many Taiwanese companies. In Taiwan, this particular industry has strong national support, from education through manufacturing to research and development. It is this area in particular, where Taiwan is open to international co-operation.

In August, representatives of Taiwanese companies and the Chamber of Commerce visited the Czech Republic as a part of a delegation organized by the Czech National Semiconductor Cluster (SEMI CZ). During this visit, the TTC Group and Mycroft Mind signed memorandums of co-operation with Taiwanese partners and SEMI CZ. The memorandums include a broad range of areas, including sharing the know-how in advanced data analysis, artificial intelligence and robotics, the creation of research teams, working groups focused on innovative solutions, and also the development of models for licencing and commercialization of intellectual property from research and development.

We also welcomed the representative of the Taiwan Business Chamber of Commerce at the TTC headquarters in Třebohostická street, where we discussed the concrete possibilities of deepening our co-operation in the field of modern technologies and innovation.